Forums / General / I want to know how many

I want to know how many

How much will it cost advertising [...] on your website?
Please give me an answer to the post [...]. I 'll be very priznaetelen

BinaryBoy's reply to BJohnKarter #17099 @

Sorry, I currently don't have any plans to accept ads.

naremonk's reply to BinaryBoy #17105 @

Я подписался на rss ленту, но сообщения почему-то в виде каких-то иероглифов :( Как это исправить?

BinaryBoy's reply to naremonk #17106 @

> I subscribed for rss a tape, but messages for some reason in the form of any hieroglyphs As to correct it?

Sorry, I don't understand Russian and this translation is confusing. Are you saying you're downloading files but they aren't decoding? Are you using the Binary Boy software? They should decode automatically. Press Alt-A or go to File
Attachments to see the decoded files.