Forums / Support / How to update Version 1.93 Built 1 ???

How to update Version 1.93 Built 1 ???

Please anyone can tell me how can I update my program?

I bought Binary Boy Pro Version, and I supposed to get more functions, etc., but

each time I push the button "Built 818 Available" it opens a web page in wich it's impossible to download any built...!

What I have to do?

I have a lot of problems!!! With "My Parts" anythink works, in the sense that I'm not able to get good files from them, using Dr. Binary it doesn' work!, never.

Please let me know....



BinaryBoy's reply to #467 @

Did you get my email?

If you already have the Pro version installed, download from here to get the latest beta:

Or with your web browser click the Pro beta link at

If you're using a program called FreshDownload, make sure you have the latest version. Some older versions corrupted ftp downloads.

If you don't have the Pro version yet, check your email. I'm sending you a download link for the official Pro release. After you have the Pro installed, use the link above to download the beta.

How large are the BBT files that won't decode? Are they complete? You can send the first part to me if you like and I'll try to figure out what might be going wrong. Write to support at binaryboy dot com