Forums / Support / Question about the "Send all parts to Dr. Binary." feature.

Question about the "Send all parts to Dr. Binary." feature.

When I try this feature I get "Dr. Binary processed 0 sets."

I have a couple hundred files in there, including many ALMOST complete attachments (missing perhaps 2 or 3 parts out of 60).

Does this feature only put assemble parts which are 100% complete? When I assemble them one at a time with Dr. Binary it fills the missing parts with 0's and gives me a semi-complete file. Is there a way i can get Binary Boy to do the same to every file in the parts folder?

Thanks in advance,


BinaryBoy's reply to Shein #499 @

This sounds like a problem that was fixed in a recent beta. You can download the beta from It won't pad with 0's when you do a folder at a time though.

If it still processes 0 files, please let me know.

Shein's reply to Shein #500 @

"It won't pad with 0's when you do a folder at a time though."

What will it do with incomplete files?

BinaryBoy's reply to Shein #501 @

It just sticks the parts together. mpgs will usually play whether you use the pad option or not. I willprobably add a window to get the settings for this command, but right now there are higher priorities (like getting the multithreading working.)

Stoner's reply to Shein #503 @

Most folks also post parity files (.PAR or .PAR2, .P01, etc) that can be used to reconstruct missing or repair existing files. I sometimes have to use Dr. Binary to assemble the pieces that are available, and then use the PAR files to "fill" in the missing pieces.

QuickPar seems to work great for this, and it's free. You can download it from .