Schedule Editor
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Click on an event in the list to edit, or click the Add New Event button to create a new event.

Event Type - An event can trigger every day at the same time or just once on a specified date.

Date - The date or time to trigger the unattended download.

Group List - The group list to search.  This is the same as on the Search dialog.

Search & Filter - The text to search for and filter.  All of the search and filter strings in the list as well as the global search & filter strings will also be active during the search.  See Search Strings for further information.

Search New Articles - Starts searching from each group's "next message" pointer and updates the pointer when finished.

Search Last nnn Articles - Starts searching at the specified number of articles below the highest in the newsgroup.  This is generally faster than Search All.

Search ALL Articles - Searches from the first available article in the newsgroup to the last.

Search Last nnn New - Similar to Search Last nnn but does not search old articles.  This updates the "next message" pointer.

Time Limit - The amount of time in hours and minutes that the event can run before closing.  Set to 0 for no limit.

Loop - Repeatedly searches the group list either forever or until the time limit expires.

Hang Up - Hang up after the search.  Normally this should be enabled.  This option is ignored when the Continuous option is enabled.  You can force events to hang up even ifthis option is off by using the global "Hang Up When Finished" option under the Connections menu.

Cancel Changes - Cancels changes to the event if it hasn't been saved.

Save Changes - Saves changes to the event.  The event is also automatically saved when you click on a different event or exit with the Save button.

Save - Saves all events and exits.

Cancel - Cancels changes to the schedule and exits.

Add New Event - Create a new event.

Delete Event - Removes the event from the schedule.

Continuous - Ignores the start times and continuously runs one event after another.