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question about search strings

hello all.

another simple question.

I'm sort of puzzled how the search string works. Do i type in any name of a file i'm interested in? Let's say i want to search for music binaries of Aretha Franklin. Could i just type in Aretha into the search filed and let it rip? Or does the word have to be in quotation marks like "Aretha"...?

let's say i want to search for Aretha Franklin and Led Zeppelin and Mozart. Can i use more than one word in the search string, say for example, Aretha Zeppelin Mozart

would that work and show any files pertinent to any of those words, or do i need additional words or characters in the string?


BinaryBoy's reply to wilburn #339 @

Yes, you can simply enter a word to search for and Binary Boy will match any subject that contains that word. Search strings can be as simple as a single word.

The generally accepted posting standard is to put the filename in the subject so yes you can usually search using a filename.

Quotation marks are needed only if the phrase you're searching for contains spaces. "Led Zeppelin" for example would require quotes. "Aretha" and Aretha are exactly the same to Binary Boy.

To find a subject containing any of the words in your search string, spearate each word with OR like this:

"Led Zeppelin" OR "Aretha Franklin" OR Mozart

If you want to download only the articles whose subjects contain all those words, use AND:

"Led Zeppelin" AND "Aretha Franklin" AND Mozart

The Searching Overview section of the help file has more information, including examples.

P.S. If you don't use OR or AND between words, Binary Boy acts as if you separated each word with OR.