Forums / Support / connection number too many

connection number too many

Occasionally I find a BB usenet service provider stops downloading with a message that there are too many connections. The provider message says the limit is four connections. In your description of the service you say I may have three -- two for downloads and one for some system need of your program. I never opt for more than three openings and when I opt for three I get two downloading connections. I do not understand why the server believes I am exceeding four connections. Do you?

BinaryBoy's reply to Louis Promfit #372 @

This is with the Binary Boy Newsgroup service? If so, set the number of download connections to 2. BB will create a third for subjects.

Some servers are slow to detect closed connections (although the BB Newsgroup servers are pretty good about this). Rapidly opening and closing, such as when skipping articles, can increase this problem. Binary Boy 1.93 is designed to avoid as much as possible closing and re-opening connections.

If you have 1.93, there are two things you could do. To see how many connections Binary Boy thinks it has made, enable the log by running Binary Boy from the Windows Start | Run window like this: binboy.exe -log

When you see the connection limit error, stop BB and look at the log.txt file in the program folder (Usually c:\program files\binary boy\log.txt). Search for "FillAllSlots" near the end of the log and in that area it should show how many connections BB thinks are open and how many it thinks are supposed to be open. You can send this info to me if you like.

Another thing you can do is go to the command-line when you see the error (or just do random checks) and type this: netstat -n

That will show all outgoing connections. Look for the ones with a port of 119 and a state of "ESTABLISHED." There shouldn't be more than 3 when connecting to Binary Boy newsgroups.

MikeAWood's reply to Louis Promfit #511 @

I am having a similar problem with BB thinks it only has a single connection (I am basing this on what its actually doing in the queues screen), but in netstat -A i have two established connections and about 5-10 "TIME_WAIT" connections. the newsserver is reporting I have 5 or more connections open and since there are 3 max, it rejects the connection?!

Just frustrating, it seems to work fine most of the time when it first gets connected, but it will only ever get two connections working at once, I've never seen three.. And eventually, even the 1st and 2nd connection get hosed and the newsserver refuses to let them in.

I've changed the "Delay x secs after error" to 240 (per the info I read about how max long it takes a TIME_WAIT to time out in windows - 120secsx2). It seems to keep at least on connection working set this way, but I'd like to figure out if there is a way to get all three to work...

DO you have any other suggestions?

BinaryBoy's reply to Louis Promfit #512 @

Which version are you running? If it's before 1.93, upgrade at

The second established connection is the subject connection.

Are you using any command-line switches or modifications to binboy.xml?

MikeAWood's reply to Louis Promfit #513 @

When I posted the message, I was running the original release with no command line switches.

After doing more poking around on here, I discovered the update link and did the update. Looks like that seems to have taken care of my problem.

The question about the multiple connections exceeded seems to popup often, might be nice to see the info about the subject connection mentioned in the documentation. (Might save you from having to answer questions from us noobs)...

Your software is awesome...Thanks again.