Forums / General / File names

File names

Recently reinstalled BB and now when i download the files the file nmes are incomplete

Ie in the newsgroups the file is called xxxx - yyyy yy yy.mp3

It is being saved as yyyy yy yy.mp3

Any ideas?


[Edited by Admin]

BinaryBoy's reply to geewhizza #384 @

Do you still have the first part of the file? If not, you can enable the "Preserve BBT files" option on the Files menu in the settings, then right-click on the subject and click "Force Download." It should appear in your parts folder. If you'd like to email it to me, I'll check it over to see if anything is weird with the format.

Keep in mind that the filename in the subject is not used for the final filename. Only the filename in the article body matters in this case.

geewhizza's reply to geewhizza #385 @

Thanks for the reply....

Managed to sort thing out.:D