Forums / Support / Description File

Description File

I turned on the option to 'Save subject to description file', and noticed the hidden 'descript.ion' file in the Attachments folder. Is this file useful from somewhere within BB, or was it intended to just be a viewable text file? Also, does it just contain info from the previous download session, or retain stuff for a while?

I started playing with this because I'm looking for a way to track down who's sending unwanted files so I can put them on my twits list. With my BB sessions all batched-up, I only see the aftermath, and am currently searching the description file for the file name, grabbing the subject and searching for it with BB, then deciding how to handle the twit - kinda painful.

BinaryBoy's reply to Stoner #445 @

descript.ion is used by ACDSee. It lists the description beside each filename when browsing a folder. Management of the file is left entirely up to ACDSee. Binary Boy just adds text to it.

Stoner's reply to Stoner #447 @

Ahhh, I see. I didn't know what ACDSee was, but I found that it's a third-party picture viewer. Thanks for the info.

DocDragon's reply to Stoner #594 @

hi there!

i'm not sure if this is a bug or if i am doing something wrong. but even if "save subject to description file" is checked, acdsee 5.0 doesn't seem to recognize any descriptions that BB v1.94 is saving...

the last time i used binary boy, that was about 2 years ago when i started with v1.91 and acdsee 4.01, and both worked flawlessly together. just for experimental purposes, i will revert back to BB v1.91 and acdsee 4 to see where the problem is...

any suggestion is appreciated.


DocDragon's reply to DocDragon #595 @

i just uninstalled acdsee v5 and installed v4 instead, and guess what? v4 works fine with the description file created by BB, but not acdsee 5.

any suggestions? thanks.


BinaryBoy's reply to DocDragon #597 @

ACDSee hasn't been on my computer for quite a while so I haven't tested it recently.

After some web searching, it appears that ACDSee now uses a file with an AIS extension with a different format. I'll look into this.