Forums / Support / Hidden 'tooltip'

Hidden 'tooltip'

The tooltip that gives the current status of the iconized BinaryBoy program has started appearing behind whatever is on the screen, including the task bar. Is this just happening to me?

I'm currently using build 818.

BinaryBoy's reply to vgpreg #507 @

Hmmm. I haven't changed anything related to the tooltip recently.

Stoner's reply to vgpreg #508 @

If you're using WinME or WinXP (or possibily Win2K), this is a known bug which Microsoft has yet to address (basically because they deny it's existence).

Do you notice it with any other applications? If so, it's probably related to this bug.

vgpreg's reply to vgpreg #510 @

Originally posted by Stoner
... this is a known bug which Microsoft has yet to address ...

Ahh, another MicroSoft "Innovative Feature".