Forums / Support / Binary Boy closes when searching

Binary Boy closes when searching

I tried to use Binary Boy to search for some files on Giganews this past weekend. When I hit the big groups, like alt.binaries.dvd, the program closes during processing. The last line in my errorlog.txt reads:

CPictureWnd::OnCreate(): STM_GETIMAGE returned error -2147023728.

Giganews has worked in the past without issue, but I know they've recently expanded their retention to a month. This means they're keeping millions of headers for many of the groups, and doing a full dump of those is causing Binary Boy, and even my News Reader, some grief.

I've checked, and the program is already set to cache on the disk. Any other suggestions?


BinaryBoy's reply to NAHurry #522 @

On the Search Strings tab in the settings have you checked the option to apply search/filters during download? In a large group like that avoid using a wildcard like * and instead try something more specific. Then right-click the Refresh button to search the cache.

NAHurry's reply to NAHurry #523 @

No, That was set to "Never". I'll try again with this new setting. Thanks for the quick reply!