Forums / Support / The stop buttons

The stop buttons

What is the difference in using the "Stop Progress" button as opposed to using the "Stop all jobs in this session" button.

BinaryBoy's reply to vgpreg #529 @

The Stop button on the Progress tab stops downloads without stopping a refresh.

vgpreg's reply to vgpreg #530 @

Ah. Nice.

As a followup:
Would you consider the possibility of a "Graceful" stop for progress, one that will let working threads finish. I really hate to see a part get killed after more than half of it is received.


BinaryBoy's reply to vgpreg #531 @

I'll consider this for the future. It would actually create fewer conneciton problems since it could close the connection gracefully. It would have to be optional though because I think many people want the stop button to mean "stop right now."