Forums / Support / Search crash

Search crash

I had a strange crash and now I can't get Binary Boy to search. I hit search, and the program closes. I tried to completely reinstall the program (removed the installation folder, removed all instaces from registry) and reinstalled. After I gave it all my settings, I hit search, then OK and it closed.

I checked the errorlog.txt and found "04:56:15 CMsgIdManager::Write: MoveFile "C:\Documents and Settings\Erik1.ERIK\Application Data\Binary Boy\binboy.mdx" "C:\Documents and Settings\Erik1.ERIK\Application Data\Binary Boy\binboy.backup.mdx" failed with error 2"

I'm running 1.93 Build 1 on Windows 2000 Professional SP4

BinaryBoy's reply to Ariqu #540 @

That error message just means you don't have an existing message-id history to backup. It's not related to the sudden close.

Are you using the free trial? It will close after clicking Search if the trial has expired. If you'd like to create a log, it will show more details. To create a log, run Binary Boy from the Start | Run window like this: binboy.exe -log -dlog

If it's crashing, the last line in log.txt will show approximately where the problem is and will help me track it down. If it's the free trial expiration, the log will show a normal cleanup and shutdown.

The log will be created in "c:\program files\binary boy\log.txt" You can email it to me if you like. support at binary boy dot com