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System Restore

I'm having a problem running BB after a system restore point was used. When attempting to run the executable BB doesn't actually load but places a process in the process list.

Seems I cannot setup from the binary either which is odd. Any ideas on this 1?

I still can't believe ive been using BB for almost 6+ years!

BinaryBoy's reply to kalami #704 @

Hi kalami! Glad you're still using it!

Hmmm. Maybe it's running but the window size/position got messed up. You could kill the process then delete winbottom,wintop,winleft and winright from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hochsw\BinaryBoy\1.00 registry key.

You could also run BB from the Start | Run window with the -log and -dlog switches to see what's happening like: binboy.exe -log -dlog

You can send me log.txt from the Binary Boy program folder if you like.

If you want a replacement Pro version, send me your email address (either in a PM or by email) and I'll generate a download URL for you. support at binaryboy dot com