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NZB help


After I import an NZB file I find that BB is only downloading like half of the files in the list eventhough all the files are still on the newsgroup. Is there anythign I can do to correct this?



BinaryBoy's reply to nasvadi #738 @

When you load the NZB file, does it look like all the entries show up on the Queue tab?

If they're all there in the Queue, does the Log tab show any errors during the download? You can write a more detailed log to the program folder by running binboy.exe with the -log switch. It will log all the commands and responses from the server. You can send me log.txt if you like. support at binaryboy dot com.

nasvadi's reply to BinaryBoy #739 @

I think the problem is that if BB doesn't find the entire file, it just doesn't make the incomplete (I think this is what is going on). For example if say file01.rar is supposed to be 50MB but when but for some reason or another it is only 35MB at the time, BB just leaves the parts of the file in the "My Parts" folder and never makes the file01.rar file. Am I making sense?

If so, is there anyway to get BB to make the incomplete file or does it just completely disregard it all together?

If BB can make the incomplete file then I wouldn't need so much from my par files. As it stands right now I usually don't have enough par files to complete the set so I end up deleting the 4 gig file I just downloaded.



BinaryBoy's reply to nasvadi #740 @

Yes, Binary Boy leaves the articles of incomplete files in the Parts folder. You can force them to decode and join with the Dr. Binary feature under the File menu.

nasvadi's reply to BinaryBoy #742 @

Ok thanks BB! I will check it out.

Again thanks,

Mike :D