Forums / Support / could be down for a few days could be down for a few days

Announcement from the admin:

We've turned off users to the server for a while to allow the server a chance to catch up. It's the only way to solve the missing article/completion problems. As soon as it's caught up we will turn on user access again. We've also order some hardware to beef up the server so this doesn't need to be done again. We're hoping to have this server running full speed by the weekend.

If your account is on the Pro server, you can switch to through your account control panel at

BinaryBoy's reply to BinaryBoy #798 @

Update: The pro server might be back up tomorrow. It has been wiped clean and is currently loading a backlog of several million articles. When it's up, it will have about 2 days of articles and will continue to fill from there.

BinaryBoy's reply to BinaryBoy #799 @

The Pro server is up again. Your 'next pointers" shouldn't need to be updated, however you might want to delete the cache with the File | Master Reset command to avoid attempting to download old articles that were deleted.