Forums / Support / Just tried BB today and it just keeps downloading

Just tried BB today and it just keeps downloading

It just keeps downloading everything... how can I stop it like if I click on it yes it is useful but it seems that the newsgroup I selected when doing an AUTO... it just gets everything and used up my small subscriptions of a news service.. what can I do.. I want to download only what I want.

1. When search for say anything.. I want to be able to see results instead of downloading immediately. Advise ?

Paris, France

BinaryBoy's reply to andylouie #811 @

After you click the Search toolbar button, uncheck the Auto and Auto Next boxes on the window that pops up.

If you find yourself in a search session with files already downloading, click the Stop toolbar button, click the Queue tab, right-click the list of files and click Remove All in the pop-up menu.

andylouie's reply to BinaryBoy #812 @

When searching somehow when searching it does not point to you which ROW or news group it is from but you have to manually find it from the 10000s of listing... advise ?

BinaryBoy's reply to andylouie #814 @

Sorry, I don't understand the problem.

If you want to limit the number of articles searched, upgrade to the Pro beta at and use the "New" or "Last" Starting Point options.

The current newsgroup is always displayed in the dropdown box under the Search field on the Search tab.

If you want to see the server and newsgroup an article came from, enable the "Record source of each downloaded article" option on the Logging tab in the Settings. This will record the info in log.txt in the Binary Boy folder. This is also accessible from the File | View Log command. You can also see some of this information on the Log tab.

If you want to see all articles in a newsgroup, enter * in the Search field and click Refresh. To narrow the search, enter a word such as "mpg" in the Search field and click Refresh. In the latest beta, you only need to press the Search button to search the cache.