Forums / Support / Anyone running Win95/98?

Anyone running Win95/98?

Are you running the latest Binary Boy beta on either Windows 95 or Windows 98? If so, please let me know whether the toolbar buttons are visible.

Shinji's reply to BinaryBoy #876 @

Are you running the latest Binary Boy beta on either Windows 95 or Windows 98? If so, please let me know whether the toolbar buttons are visible.

Yes I am Running W98se.
I use 1.92. I wanted to Update just now to 1.95, but the Download-URL does not work (from here?).

Shinji's reply to BinaryBoy #878 @


Yes, now the Download did work.
But when I try to upgrade from 1.92 to 1.95 (or 1.95 Beta Build11) I get the same Problem like in
"bb pro 1.95 upgrade worry "
"please close binaryboy before upgrading"
I even did reset my PC, but I only get that Message:
"please close binaryboy before upgrading"

OS: Win98se

BinaryBoy's reply to Shinji #879 @

Ok. I sent you a download link for the full installer by email and by private message. Try that. It should work even if it can't detect the previous version.

Shinji's reply to BinaryBoy #880 @

Are you running the latest Binary Boy beta on either Windows 95 or Windows 98? If so, please let me know whether the toolbar buttons are visible.

So, now I am using 1.95 Build 11 (Thanks for the help!) under Win98se.
You asked for the Toolbar - If you mean the "Search/Stop/Settings/Newsgroups/Group Lists/Scheduler/About" Bar - yes it is visible and has another desing (compared to the 1.92 version).

BinaryBoy's reply to Shinji #881 @

Yes, that's the one. Thanks for the info!

Buster52's reply to BinaryBoy #1119 @

I am using ME, and just upgraded to 1.95. Now BB will not open. I get Error Starting Program. The Binboy.exe file is linked to missing export KERNEL32.DLL:SetFilePointEx. I was working before I upgraded. But it was using up all my RAM memery. What is wrong?

BinaryBoy's reply to Buster52 #1120 @

Doh. The cache file was upgraded to support 64-bit length files. I'll bet ME doesn't have 64-bit support. Did you download the 1.95 beta? If so, try the original 1.95 instead from

BinaryBoy's reply to BinaryBoy #1236 @

By the way, this is fixed in 1.96.