Forums / Support / Crashes everytime I go onto some of the newsgroup

Crashes everytime I go onto some of the newsgroup

I purchase Binary boy but each time when I go to the DVDR Binaries it will always crash. Could it be because the number of files there are so huge ??? I do not have to download but even to view it is not possible. Please advise. It says unusual C Runtime termination.. help

BinaryBoy's reply to andylouie #872 @

The problem is that Binary Boy doesn't store headers very efficiently. When you get into the millions of headers, it can crash. You can work around the problem for now with a few settings changes:

On the Newsgroups tab in the Settings, enable the "Cache subjects on disk" option.

On the Search Strings tab, enable "Apply search/filters during subject download" This tells Binary Boy to load only the matching results into memory instead of the full list.

Instead of searching for *, try searching for something more specific to reduce the number of results.

Right-click the subject list and enable "Show only first part" on the List Options submenu.

In the future, Binary Boy will handle these headers pretty easily. The search/cache code I'm working on right now will reduce the memory requirements to approximately 20-30 bytes per header in the results list. That's less memory than the average subject. It will be able to handle several million headers with plenty of room to spare on a typical system.