Forums / Support / CBBNNTP::Pop(): Stack underflow

CBBNNTP::Pop(): Stack underflow

My error log shows this what am I doing wrong? Any suggestions??
**** Authorization Failure ****
CBBNNTP::Pop(): Stack underflow

BinaryBoy's reply to RototillerBill #914 @

The stack underflow message is normal and is nothing to worry about. It's just a side effect of Binary Boy cleaning up.

The authorization error could be caused by exceeding the server's connection limit. Keep in mind that the number of download connections on the Server tab in the settings is one less than you'll actually use.

Another possibility is that you've exceeded the server download limit for the day.

That looks like the errorlog.txt. There's also a regular loggin option that can record the actual responses. If you want to see the error text from the server, create a log:

And finally... make sure your username and password on the Server tab in the settings are correct. If you're using the Binary Boy server, make sure you put "" on the end of your username like.