Forums / Support / Server Switching Problems (Feb 18, 2005)

Server Switching Problems (Feb 18, 2005)

The web site is currently unable to make outbound internet connections so switching is failing. I've reported the problem to the web host and am waiting for a response.

BinaryBoy's reply to BinaryBoy #918 @

In related news... Thew servers have been quirky since yesterday and continue to have problems this morning. The latest update from the admin this morning said "These two front end servers were rock solid at the old location but now they seem to be having hardware problems. We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible."

The web host tech support is usually fastest so I'm guessing the switching problem will be fixed first, then you can switch to the Pro server. If you'd like to switch now, send me an email at support at binaryboy dot com and I'll switch you over manually.