Forums / Support / Tool to verify downloaded Parts against history?

Tool to verify downloaded Parts against history?

Hi there again:

Came across something strange again yesterday, figured I'd throw it your way...
What I do is start with my ISPs free news server, download the bulk of the binary there, of course some of the parts are missing cause it's a crappy server (but it's free). So I have a whole bunch of parts sitting waiting for the rest.
Next we try the News.BBoy server, find some more parts, with luck find all the remaining ones and BBoy decodes to the main directory successfully.
Finally I use the Pro. BB server for the lonely parts that are still necessary if they're there.

Last step if still not complete is to use Dr.Binary to decode th broken parts and move those to the actual directory which is being monitored by QuickPar.

Hmmm... said it had all the parts to several files yet they never decoded :confused: said it had all the parts and same story, it never got decoded.... must be parts missing? Try to redownload, log says all parts are skipped as in history file. more confused????

If I use force download ignore history, the files arrive and are decoded successfully... apparently the history file is incorrect and there WERE some parts it thought I downloaded, bt in fact didn't make it.... for whatever reason I just had to re-download a 50 meg binary part file to find that out.... and I have loads of them....

Is there a tool which could verify the part files against the history file and remove the entries that are missing so I can just re-download the individual part that I need to be able to decode the full binary? Am I doing something wrong here? Noticed this a long time ago but assumed it was just cause of my crappy news server....

Ted B.

BinaryBoy's reply to TedB #938 @

No there isn't a tool like that. Do you have both the filename history and message-id history enabled? If so, try disabling the filename history. With just the message-id history enabled, you should be able to select a previous file for download and it will only grab the articles that failed the first time.

TedB's reply to BinaryBoy #939 @

Yes, thanks, just disabled that Filename option.... didn't realize that would make a difference, but of course it makes sense that the message-id would be the critical thing to remember and track....

Will repost here how this works out... and thanks again!!!!

BinaryBoy's reply to TedB #941 @

One other thing I should mention is that you should enable the "overwrite" or "rename" option on the Files tab in the settings if you're using Dr. Binary to preview files. Otherwise Binary Boy will see that the file exists and will stop downloading the remaining parts.

TedB's reply to BinaryBoy #942 @

Yep, worked that one out already... seems to be a fine balance also with the "days to remember message id's" setting too....

Very cool, such sophistication under the covers... :D Good job!!!