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search string question

how do i search only for the exact match
so for example only want to find only 'bcd' not 'abcd'.
Tried doing it with "" but wasn't successful.

THank you

BinaryBoy's reply to pgb204 #994 @

There's no special character in Binary Boy search strings for matching the end of a word. You could try adding a space: " bcd"

If the string you don't want will always be abcd you could try: bcd AND NOT abcd

pgb204's reply to BinaryBoy #995 @

it's not necessarily at the end of the string.
I only want to find 'bcd' but not have it being a substring.
For example 'abcd' and 'bcde' should be diregarded/
I guess i could try and add space character as you suggest.

thank you