Forums / Support / New Feature Idea?

New Feature Idea?

How about Nzb Export

Say for example you are in group alt.XXXX.mp3 etc

and you see some posts you want but not at that time a idea would be to simply highlight those files and right click and export as a NZB file.

Is this possible as i think it would be a great asset to have.

BinaryBoy's reply to geewhizza #1222 @

NZB export is planned.

geewhizza's reply to BinaryBoy #1223 @



geewhizza's reply to BinaryBoy #1224 @


Can we

geewhizza's reply to BinaryBoy #1225 @


Can we have

geewhizza's reply to BinaryBoy #1226 @

Thanks...and Nice...

Can we have it so instead of right click then selecting the folder where it needs to be saved, we just select the folder in the settings and all we need to do is highlight and right click save etc something simple.

geewhizza's reply to geewhizza #1227 @

Over excited can you tell from my reply :)

BinaryBoy's reply to geewhizza #1229 @

Over excited can you tell from my reply :)

:) :) :) :)

geewhizza's reply to BinaryBoy #1230 @

Ok...thanks :)

Any ideas on a release date for the beta with this included? b4 or after xmas etc if all goes well etc.

BinaryBoy's reply to geewhizza #1231 @

Sorry, I don't have a clue. I don't think the actual work will take very long once I get started but there are higher priorities. Right now Binary Boy is split into two parts. All the new code is being ported to a new GUI and the old code (1.9x) will be discarded. Any features that require significant changes to the old code will waste time so I'm trying to limit myself to only adding features to the new code. When the new code is up and running I'll be able to get back to more frequent updates.

BinaryBoy's reply to geewhizza #1228 @

Thanks...and Nice...

Can we have it so instead of right click then selecting the folder where it needs to be saved, we just select the folder in the settings and all we need to do is highlight and right click save etc something simple.

For NZB exporting? I'll probably do it with the standard Save dialog and point it to the previous location by default. I get complaints about the Save Queue function because it doesn't bring up the Save dialog.