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What files do I keep so that i don't lose my settings?

BinaryBoy's reply to sparky #298 @

Originally posted by sparky
What files do I keep so that i don't lose my settings?

Most of your settings are in the registry. You can transfer them with regedit. From the Start | Run window, type regedit.exe

Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hochsw\BinaryBoy\1.00 Under the Registry menu use the Export command to send the settings to a file. On the new computer go into regedit.exe and use the Import command to load the settings file back in.

Run the original bbst.exe on the new computer. This will update your settings with the new path to binboy.exe if necessary.

Copy your .lst files over.
Copy binboy.xml This contains your server list.
copy for your bbnet settings.
copy binboy.mdx and binboy.hst if you want the same history.
Copy masterlist.txt. This is your newsgroup list for the group list editor.
If you use the twit file, copy twits.txt
Copy folders.txt if it exists.
copy binboy.sch if you have a schedule set up.
copy usersplash.jpg if you have a custom splash screen.
The cache files are in ./cache but they can be recreated

Stoner's reply to sparky #300 @

If you like, you can try the two attached batch files.

BBBackup.bat copies all the files/entries BinaryBoy mentioned in the previous post to a folder named BBBackup.

BBRestore.bat copies everything in the folder BBBackup back to where they belong.


0) These only work on builds 1553 and prior!!! I'm working on a new ones for later builds.
1) Both of these batch files must be on the drive were Binary Boy is installed.
2) These have only been through limited testing under WinXP. With other OS's, you should verify that the BBBackup folder contains all of the necessary files.
3) The ./cache files are not saved.

1) was changed to bbnet.bbmap per BinaryBoy's post below.

BinaryBoy's reply to sparky #307 @

BBNet settings are in bbnet.bbmap not Sorry.